welcome to the website
what this website will be:
probably a bunch of essays, shitposts, and media finds in a late web 1.0 hobbyist format. expect a lot of broken stuff and barely-working stylesheets. tough thing about not using a CMS means I have to put galleries and stuff together by hand. every now and again I'll get grandiose plans for 'a fansite for Descent' or other such nonsense but we'll see how far those go.
this is basically going to be my twitter sike it's cohost account
(http://www.twitter.comcohost.org slash CHILLYBUS in all capitals once I get my shit together and start shitposting there)
(does television still read out website URLs? I can't imagine adding the 's' in the middle of a script. Remember when TV used to say them all the time? that shit was nuts, so many airwaves devoted to reading 'h t t p, colon, slash slash, w w w dot', did anyone go to those websites, what did they find)
except it'll be
for example, here's a banger from the microblog:
what this website will not be:
particularly good. I know rudimentary HTML and extremely basic CSS. I love Markdown for note-taking and cracking wise on discord, so I'm using SublimeText 3 to write everything in .md files before dropping their contents into HTML files. I don't think iframes for sidebar navigation are best practices, but I'm using them anyway. if it works in firefox on a desktop, that's good enough for me.
JavaScript canary: if you can read this statement, there isn't any javascript (aside from, like, embeds) anywhere on this site
fun facts:
- the blue at the bottom of the 'blue' theme for this site is taken from the sky in the Windows 95 cloud wallpaper.
- the red when mousing over text is the red from Alucard's shield in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Alucard's double jump is the inspiration for this website's name and probably Some Good Posting Content at some point.